
Ben and his friends are going to play putt-putt. At one location, they can pay $2.00 for rentals plus $7.50 per game. At another location, it would cost $8.00 for rentals and $6.00 per game. How many games would they play in order to cost the same amount?

Accepted Solution

Answer:4 games Step-by-step explanation:Let x be the no. of games played in order to cost the same amountAt one location, they can pay $2.00 for rentals plus $7.50 per game.So, Total cost at this location for x games = 2+7.5xAt another location, it would cost $8.00 for rentals and $6.00 per gameSo, Total cost at this location for x games = 8+6xSince we know that the cost of playing x games will be same So, [tex]2+7.5x=8+6x[/tex] [tex]7.5x-6x=8-2[/tex] [tex]1.5x=6[/tex] [tex]x=\frac{6}{1.5}[/tex][tex]x=4[/tex]Hence they play 4 games in order to cost the same amount